الثلاثاء، 12 مايو 2009

Everywhere the blue, intense blue of the sea and sky, and tucked in its jewel ocher walls, a white city with a minaret that plays with the clouds: this is Rabat, the capital of Morocco.

Rabat has a long vocation city lighthouse. In the XIIth century, Yacoub el-Mansour, the great Almohad conqueror, had elected to symbolize its splendor. But the story was already passed in Rabat. The Mérinides (XIII and XIV century) honored him by building the Chellah necropolis of the ancient Roman city of Salé.

The story remained in Rabat and Rabat celebrates those who do. Yacoub el-Mansour with the Hassan tower, dominating what should have been one of the largest mosques in the Muslim world, the mausoleum of the late Mohamed V, architect of independence in 1956, the imposing Royal Palace, residence of King and seat of government since 1912.




The story goes through Rabat and never leaves. It reappears at the bend of an alley in front of a stall slippers and poufs that carries leather, in a sale of rugs at auction. It impregnates every stone of the casbah Oudayas, fortress of indomitable Andalusian corsairs of the seventeenth century. Nothing more exciting than imagining their exciting lives, delightfully fitted maure coffee tasting gazelle horns and mint tea, and let his eyes get lost in the distance, on the boats dancing in the Oued Bou Regreg at the foot of the ramparts of Salé.

The Mausoleum of Mohammed V

Everything is here that luxury and refinement. The traditional Moroccan art is highlighted: in a dome made of mahogany and cedar of Lebanon in gold leaf, stands the Royal sarcophagus of Pakistani white onyx.


Located on the site of the ancient city of Salé, the cemetery is located 2 km from downtown. After crossing the beautiful door, you discover a site overgrown with lush vegetation. We distinguish some tombs and a stone basin in which sacred turtles and fish. It would be powered by a miracle to live, according to legend, a fish covered with gold. Further on, a minaret has partly maintained its multicolored decor. It is now inhabited by

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